What I’m Reading: Practical Takeaways for Parents

I’ve been doing a lot of reading – well, mostly audiobooks the past couple months (new baby in the house). So many interesting facts! Which I promptly forget! So I’m answering six basic questions about some of the better books to track my takes and practical takeaways for parents (including myself and my husband!) so that they aren’t lost to the sieve of my postpartum brain.

A Resource Filled with Practical Takeaways for Parents

My goal is for this website, in addition to providing practical recipes for families, to be a resource for busy people who want quick and practical takeaways from parenting books, health books, etc. There are lots of books filled with lots of interesting information, but at least for me, when I put down a book, I often forget 90% of the fun facts I just thought were so important. I also try to process the information in these books to break it down into tidbits parents can actually use.

So this will be the spot where you can look for the practical items you should be keeping on your radar. Of course, I can’t help sprinkling in some of my own commentary based on my own experiences here and there.

But what topics?

I’ve been reading anything that strikes me as particularly interesting, and am planning to create practical takeaways on the books that seem most worthwhile. The topics so far include:

Book suggestions for future practical takeaways for parents?

Please let me know of any book suggestions you may have!

Recent Books:

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